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Click to Earn Dapp The Last Pie Event Reward: 3,000 BFC T | Airdrop Kart

Click to Earn Dapp The Last Pie

Event Reward: 3,000 BFC

The Last Pie is a click to earn (C2E) advertising platform specialized for WEB3, users compete to receive rewards by watching ads.
- If you click the "Claim" button as the last person and there are no additional "Claim" within a certain time, you will earn the $BFC assigned to that ad.

With the update, Last Pie V2 now has two new features

Random reward feature
When the countdown is over if you have done a CLAIM for an advertisement, you will be randomly selected and rewarded.
(Probability of winning rewards increases in proportion to the number of claims)

Join Discord feature
- To claim, you need to join the Discord channel designated by the advertiser
This allows advertisers to see direct advertising effects.
To celebrate the release of V2, we are holding events at the Last Pie

- A small amount of $BFC (for the gas fee)

[How to participate]
Access the homepage + wallet connection

Watch and Claim the ongoing ad
- The Last Pie V2 Event Click to Earn ( 3,000 $BFC)

If there are no additional clicks until the advertisement ends, you will receive the $BFC
*Don't forget, you can also earn random rewards only by participating("by Claiming").

p.s. Currently, Kucoin only supports ERC-20 $BFC so you can get the mainnet $BFC (for the gas fee) via

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